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Singapore’s Work Pass Administrative Fees to Increase from 2019

From 1 April 2019, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will be revising all work pass application and issuance/renewal fees.

These changes will apply to the Employment PassS PassWork Permit, and several other passes.

A comparison table has been provided to further illustrate the current and upcoming administrative fees:

Type of Pass Current From 1 April 2019
Application Issuance/Renewal Application Issuance/Renewal
Employment Pass $70 $150 $105 $225
S Pass $60 $80 $75 $100
Work Permit $30 $30 $35 $35
Personalized Employment Pass $70 $150 $105 $225
EntrePass $70 $150 $105 $225
Training Employment Pass $70 $150 $105 $225
Dependant’s Pass $60 $150 $105 $225
Long Term Visit Pass $30 $60 $105 $225
Work Holiday Pass N.A. $150 N.A. $175
Work Permit (Performing Artiste) $40 $30 $75 $100
Training Work Permit $30 $30 $35 $35
Miscellaneous Work Pass $70 N.A. $175 N.A.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the above.



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