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Thinking of registering a Home Business: Here’s How

Looking to register your home business in Singapore? Depending on the type of business, you’ll need to register it with a government body or three, including Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), the national regulator of businesses here; and possibly HDB.

Please see our step by step guide on registering your home business.


Guide on Registering your home business.

Step Procedure
1 Choose an Appropriate Business Structure;

In Singapore there are various business structures available to you. The full list is available here. (Click Link)

The most common business structures are:

–          Sole Proprietorship (Business owned by one individual)

–          Partnership ( A business with a minimum of two to a maximum of 20 partners)

–          Pte. Ltd. Company ( One Director/ One Shareholder/ One Company Secretary)

2 Choose a name for your business;

Please note that to  avoid rejection or delays, don’t choose an offensive name or one that’s similar to other businesses. You can check existing business names by using the directory search on the ACRA website.

3 Register your Company;

At MCCS we can assist you to file your company registration with ACRA through bizfile.

Please note that if your type of business requires approval from other government agencies ( eg. Approval from the Ministry of Education, if you want to run a tuition centre)

The process may take anywhere between 14 days and 2 months.

4 Issuance of Company Registration No. ( UEN)

Once your company registration is successful, you will receive your Unique Entity Number (UEN).

This is the identification number for your business and should mentioned in all communication with government agencies.

5 Register your Home Office (HO);

 Option 1:

Under the Home Office (HO) scheme, home owners, tenants or occupants of private residential properties can set up small-scale offices in their homes, as long as they satisfy the prevailing HO guidelines and performance criteria, and ensure that the use does not cause amenity problems to the neighbours.

You can register to set up a home office in your private home or HDB flat and hire up to 2 non-resident employees.

For a Private home:

Anyone who is the owner, tenant or any authorized occupant of a private residential property and wish to operate a Home Office (HO) can register with URA.

For A HDB:

Anyone who is the owner, tenant or any authorized occupant of a HDB and wish to operate a Home Office(HO) can register with HDB.

** Please note that If you are not the owner, you have to obtain written consent from the owner before you register for the HO use.

Please refer to this webpage (click link) for more information regarding the Home Office Scheme including the restrictions and conditions.

Option 2: Apply for a license via LicenceOne

 LicenceOne is a one-stop business licensing portal. You’ll need your SingPass ID and a credit card (a non-refundable admin fee of $20 is required) to make an application.

MCCS is here to serve you in all your business needs, please feel free to call us if you would like to know more about setting a home office or require our assistance.


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