FAQ on Compliance

Is there a time limit for filing of ‘Transfer of /List of holders’ with ACRA?

There is no time limit for the filing as long as it is done before filing of Annual Return.

Can my small company be exempt from audit?
When must my company hold its Annual General Meeting or AGM?
What must the company do after it has held its AGM?
Must my dormant company submit audited accounts?
Do Dormant Companies need to attach the Statement by dormant companies for
audit exemption when filing Annual Returns from 1 November 2007?
Must a company appoint a company secretary?
Must a company appoint a company auditor?
If my company has one director and one holder left, is it compulsory to amend my M&AA?
Under Section 201(5) of the Companies Act, the directors’ report need to be
signed by at least two directors. How do I submit the Directors’ Report
if I am the sole Director of the company?